

This is Lekton and this is the .vfb source file. The typeface has been designed at Isia Urbino by the students Luna Castroni, Stefano Faoro, Emilio Macchia, Elena Papassissa, Michela Povoleri, Tobias Seemiller, and the teacher Luciano Perondi (aka galacticus ineffabilis).
Lekton is inspired by some of the typefaces used on the Olivetti typewriters. We thanks a lot Gianmaria Capello for his precious support.

Creative Commons Licens Lekton by students Luna Castroni, Stefano Faoro, Emilio Macchia, Elena Papassissa, Michela Povoleri, Tobias Seemiller, and the teacher Luciano Perondi (Isia Urbino) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
This typeface has been designed in 8 hours.

Comments Off Posted by Luciano Perondi on Martedì, Maggio 27th, 2008

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