

Lekton is an open-source project, with no copyright or trademark qualification in order to permit the free use of the typeface, that can be modified as well as redesigned.
Always remember the basic ideas of anarchism and multiplicity.
If you did design a glyph that already exists, then just add it to the "alternates".
Obviously not everything will be part of the final draft, but it's important not to get limited by the idea of a "conventional typeface". We managed to incorporate the circled numbers in the overall system, so don't be afraid to share something apparently out of control.
Any change is welcome.

Now, for a better and easier development of the project, we decided to clear a storage system and a proper way to name files. This in order to quickly update all the files and versions of the typeface.


Official versions of the typeface are from time to time added to the historical archive of the project in three different folders: others, italic and roman.
In any folder files will be named under a progressive numeration:
lekton001.vfb, lekton002.vfb, lekton003.vfb etc..

If you want to download typefaces from the archives, you can access the link-index in the "Download" page of


All of the other versions, the intermediate, will be shared by contributors using

It is important that contributors names files under the following criteria:

last version of the typeface + (update's number) + DESIGNER'S INITIALS.vfb

The update's number should have progressive values and be enclosed in parenthesis,
as well as designer's initial should follow parenthesis in caps.

Let's pretend that the last official version is: lekton003.vfb.

The modified version by RL is going to be:

If PM would like to modify the RL's 003 or the original 003, his version would be:

and this happens because PM's version, actually, is the second of the last official version named lekton003.vfb.

Thank you for your really kind collaboration -