Each block consists of at least two of the 24 Hangul letters (40 with diphthongs and double consonants), with at least one each of the 14 simple consonants and 10 monophthongs vowels.
Vowels: 10 monophthongs + (11 diphthongs)

Consonants: 14 simple + (5 double)

Vowels are built from vertical or horizontal lines so that they are easily distinguishable from consonants. Consonants are based on the shape of the mouth and tongue in the production of that sound (labial, coronal, velar, or glottal), sometimes with extra marks showing features such as plosive, nasal, sibilant or aspiration.
The placement of a unit (vowel or consonant) in the block follows set patterns based on the shape of the medial.
Medials are written under the initial, to the right, or wrap around the initial from bottom to right, depending on their shape: if the medial has a horizontal axis like ㅡ, then it is written under the initial; if it has a vertical axis like ㅣ, then it is written to the right of the initial; and if it combines both orientations, like ㅢ ui, then it wraps around the initial from the bottom to the right (first line in the picture).
A final unit, if there is one, is always written at the bottom, under the medial (second line in the picture).
A complex final is written left to right (last line in the picture).
(I) initial (M) medial (F) final
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